During the Coronavirus Pandemic how many patients does NHS Borders have on record of having Covid-19 to date?


NHS Borders
Planning & Performance
NHS Borders
Education Centre
Borders General Hospital
01896 825545
[email protected]

Freedom of Information request 352-20


1. During the Coronavirus Pandemic how many patients does NHS Borders have on record of having Covid-19 to date?
2. How many ventilators did NHS Borders receive to help patients who had Covid-19?
3. How many patients received treatment for Covid-19 by use of Ventilator?
4. How many people does NHS Borders have on record to date died from Covid-19?
5. How many Post Mortem's were carried out to prove people died directly from Covid-19?
6. How many people died directly from Covid-19?
7. How many ventilators did NHS Borders have before the Coronavirus pandemic?


1. NHS Borders only holds records of Covid-19 testing for patients that were tested within NHS Borders (either via local NHS Borders laboratory testing or where tests were processed through regional laboratories and result sent back to NHS Borders). The total number of positive cases for each board is published daily by the Scottish Government and includes those tested out with NHS Borders.

Records show that as of midnight on 16 September 2020, 327 people have had a confirmed positive test for Covid-19. This number includes patients and staff that have been tested as part of screening, and therefore is not reflective of the number of patients that have required treatment for Covid-19.

2. NHS Borders received 12 ventilators from the Department of Health for use with Covid-19 patients.

3. A total of 10 patients were invasively ventilated who were suffering from Covid-19.

4. A total of 39 patients have died in hospital following a positive Covid-19 test result within 28 days prior to the date of their death.

5. NHS Borders do not carry out post-mortem examinations.

6. Information on how many people died directly from Covid-19 is available publicly at the following link: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/vital-events/generalpublications/weekly-and-monthly-data-on-births-and-deaths/deaths-involving-coronavirus-covid-19-inscotland
Therefore under Section 25 of the FOI(S)A 2002 this data is accessible elsewhere.

7. Prior to Covid-19 NHS Borders had 5 main ITU ventilators, 2 transport ventilators and 2 neonatal ventilators.

If you are not satisfied with the way your request has been handled or the decision given, you may ask NHS Borders to review its actions and the decision. If you would like to request a review please apply in writing to, Freedom of Information Review, NHS Borders, Room 2EC3, Education Centre, Borders General Hospital, Melrose, TD6 9BS or [email protected].

The request for a review should include your name and address for correspondence, the request for information to which the request relates and the issue which you wish to be reviewed. Please state the reference number 352-20 on this request. Your request should be made within 40 working days from receipt of this letter.

If following this review, you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner and request an investigation of your complaint. Your request to the Scottish Information Commissioner should be in writing (or other permanent form), stating your name and an address for correspondence. You should provide the details of the request and your reasons for dissatisfaction with both the original response by NHS Borders and your reasons for dissatisfaction with the outcome of the internal review. Your application for an investigation by the Scottish Information Commissioner must be made within six months of your receipt of the response with which you are dissatisfied. The address for the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner is, Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife.

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How many people died from Covid-19 in YDH (Jan 1st 2020 - March 31st 2021)


  FOI Reference: FOI 91 - 2122

Date: June 2021

FOI Category: Clinical Information

FOI Request:

How many people have died from Covid-19 in Yeovil Hospital NHS foundation Trust Hospitals from Jan 1st 2020 to March 31st 2021?

This is only to include patients who have had Covid-19 tests and have not died with preexisting conditions.

FOI Response:

How many people have died from Covid-19 in Yeovil Hospital NHS foundation Trust Hospitals from Jan 1st 2020 to March 31st 2021?

This is only to include patients who have had Covid-19 tests and have not died with preexisting conditions.

Died following a positive Covid test, with Covid as main cause of death and with no preexisting conditions: 2

Additional Information/Documents:



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How many people died since March 2020 in hospitals from Covid 19 without any pre-existing health conditions?


Telephone: 0151 529 6923
Email: [email protected]
04 May 2021
Our Ref: DS/JM/FOI 7476

Dear Applicant,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information Reference: 7476
Further to your request for information received 16 April 2021; please find the Trust’s response below.

  1. How many people died since March 2020 in hospitals from covid 19 without any pre-existing health conditions?
    The Trust can confirm that there have been a total of 173 deaths confirmed with no pre-existing health conditions since March 2020.
  2. The average age of death of the above.
  3. The average age of death from all deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test.
  4. How many suicides were reported between March 2020 to March 2021 compared with the same period from the previous year March 2019 to March 2020
    Section 1 of the FOIA – establish if information is held
    In accordance with Section 1 of the FOIA, we can confirm that the Trust does not hold the above information. This information would be held within the patient’s autopsy/medical examiner report.
    Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), the Trust is not required to create any information in order to answer a request.
    We should explain that the FOIA 2000 is in relation to transparency of information held by public authorities. It gives an individual the right to access recorded information held by public authorities.
    The FOIA 2000 does not require public authorities to generate information, or to answer questions, provide explanations or give opinions, unless this is recorded information that they already hold.
  5. How many patients passed away from sepsis between March 2020 to March 2021 and how many the previous year (as above) Section 1 of the FOIA – establish if information is held
    In accordance with Section 1 of the FOIA, we can confirm that the Trust does not hold the above information. This information would be held by the coroner on a patient’s death certificate
  6. Information the trust may hold on cases of influenza between March 2020 to March 2021 and how many cases the previous year (as above)
    Section 1 of the FOIA – establish if information is held
    In accordance with Section 1 of the FOIA, we can confirm that the Trust does not hold the above information. This information would be held by the coroner on a patient’s death certificate.

If you have any queries about this response or wish to discuss your request further please contact the Freedom of Information Team.

Right to Review

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have the right to ask for an internal review.
To do this, please email [email protected] and quote the reference number above.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Kind Regards

Freedom of Information Team
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
[email protected]
Please note that any individuals identified do not give consent for their personal data to be processed for the purposes of direct marketing.

Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is a public sector body and governed by EU law. FOI requestors should note that any new Trust requirements over the EU threshold will be subject to these regulations and will be advertised for open competition accordingly.

Re-use of Public Sector Information

Where the Trust owns the copyright in information provided, you may re-use the information in line with the conditions set out in the Open Government Licence v3 which is available at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/. Where information was created by third parties, you should contact them directly for permission to re-use the

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I would request information on the number of deaths directly related to Covid-19, deaths without co-morbidities, for each of the hospitals within the Trust


Theresa Haines
[email protected]
FOI ref: 5310



Trust Offices
Watford General Hospital
Vicarage Road
WD18 0HB
[email protected]
Tel: 01923 436362
19 March 2021


Dear Ms Haines
Thank you for your email received on 12 January 2021, regarding our response your request.

I would request information on the number of deaths directly related to Covid-19, deaths without co-morbidities, for each of the hospitals within the Trust, from February 2020 to date.

I would also request information on the number of cases of Covid-19 admitted to Watford General Hospital in particular during the same period above.

Response: Please see information below which I hope fully answers your request.
* Please note the COVID code is added on the basis of a positive test while the patient is still an inpatient. All other diagnostic results are added up to two months after a patient has been discharged.

Number of
confirmed Covid
Inpatient Deaths
Deaths with
Jan 0 151 0 0
Feb 0 132 0 0
Mar 149 194 0 44
Apr 300 342 1 289
May 237 127 0 80
Jun 79 75 0 19
Jul 50 75 0 11
Aug 18 108 0 2
Sep 27 115 0 4
Oct 92 131 0 35
Nov 208 135 0 56
Dec* 532 199 0 127
Total 1692 1784 1 667

The Trust operates an internal complaints procedure in relation to Freedom of Information. If you are not satisfied with this response, you may request an internal review, please email: [email protected] stating with which parts of the response you are not satisfied.

If you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner for a determination on whether the Trust has complied with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. The Information Commissioner’s contact details are: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Manager


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